My Story
My Bio page- a short descritpion of who I am and my background as a person and a photographer

Mead Norton.
Born in the USA and based in New Zealand, Mead's photography reveals a love of the medium combined with a unique flair and a passion for authenticity in visual narrative.
Mead enjoys the whole process of creating an image from the ground up; carefully designing each element and working technically with lighting and angle to produce his signature no fuss reality in the final product. He has a keen eye for shape, contour and the graphic elements within a composition.
Considered but never staged, he produces work that is strong, linear and beautifully minimalist. Whether a rolling landscape or a lifestyle moment, Mead is able to lend every image the immediacy of an experience and his portraiture reveals a familiarity with his subjects and their individual stories.
Particularly interested in creating narrative that explores the feeling of experience, Mead's perspective is never that of a remote observer. We are always "there".